“हाहाहा ! भनेसी तिमी पनि __भयौ ?”
– अँ त भइयो, क्यार्ने त अब !
हामी हास्यौं ।
“कुन कथा हो ? के भन्दै हो सरहरू ?”
– यस्तै टाइमका चोक्टाहरू केलाउॅंदै ।
“पूजन तिमी के’ले बाच्छौ ? __न’ले ? कि __’ले ? “
– म त अहिले __न’ले बाँच्दिनँ जस्तो लाग्छ ।……. केही छ something mysterious within त्यो तत्व जो __न’जस्तै छ खै !! त्यसले बाँच्छु प्रोब्याब्ली हेहे !।
Let me light this candle , oh man – I love this color. I have always found a warmth in it. I don’t remember ever since when I got so fond of inhaling colors.
एक लामो मध्यानतर …..
म कफी पिउँछु ।
अँ, चिनी छैन तर स्वाद छ ।
गन्ध छ । माहोल छ । छाडा कुराहरू छन् !
“ओहो के मुजीहरू? आरामै अनि ?”
एक लामो मध्यानतर …..
मैले लेखाइमा मुख छाड्दा यो सबै वाहियत लाग्ला तिमीलाई तर ह्याब यु ऐभर सिन समबडि हु इज जस्ट सरफेस ?
This is not any monologue neither is any form of art to me.
Don’t you know a society is constructed out of “drives” and “effects”.
Could it be that as if whatever poets wrote was nothing(?)
While it only tried to convince the psychological mirror of an “instance” rather than the “whole”.
Can a poet be something you think of ?
“पि.जी. ”
– हजुर ।
कविता सुन्ने ?
-नो !
“पि.जी…. शब्दहरू सुन्ने ?”
-अँ !
time waits for nobody – why should it ?

“a big unknown circle / a point hanging on the left / a character sleeping in the middle of a radius of approximately 6 and a half meters / a point hanging in the bottom right / dim lights entering the middle / a point shakes / a point becomes a pendulum in a semi-circular motion / every time the point reaches a point, a sound is heard / the point is bleeding different colors as it keeps following the circumference / a point in the bottom right starts to sing a song of light / the velocity of the shaking point gets reduced every time a melody hits / a loop has been set / two points have started a process / the axioms are not finite / they are divided into the unknown / can the unknown be finite itself? isn’t it that anything “finite” is something “known”?
a slowed intermediate….
“a big unknown circle / a point hanging on the left / a character sleeping in the middle of a radius of approximately 12 and a half meters / a point hanging in the bottom / dim lights entering the middle / a point shaking / a point becomes a pendulum in a circular motion / every time the point reaches a point, there’s no sound / the point is bleeding one specific color as it keeps following the circumference / the point in the bottom right starts to sing a song of its weight / the velocity of the shaking point is constant / the bottom right point doesn’t know its voice has gone off / a loop has been set / two points have started a process / the axiom is just one / is it finite now?”
a slowed intermediate….
“Can I ask you something?”
-Yes, please, of course.
“What’s your favorite color?”
-It’s #000000. What’s yours?
“ I don’t know its name.”
– .
Exploring Abstract Themes and Philosophical Musings in “एकलामोमध्यान्तर – ”
The two sections of this writing are connected through their exploration of abstract themes and philosophical musings. The use of abstract imagery conveys deeper meanings that play in a poet’s mind, reflecting a state of existence that is often unspoken. The presence of two distinct paragraphs in the piece effectively portrays these themes.
Poet’s Existence and Abstract Imagery
The first idea presented is the poet’s existence itself. From the beginning of section “०१,” the poet is in the company of others, setting the context of shared human experiences and dialogues. Through casual conversations, the text delves into profound reflections on life and existence. The poet’s playful inquiry about survival and the mysterious element within hints at the internal struggle and the search for meaning. By the end of the writing, it becomes apparent that the reader is being guided to realize how we live in one state while simultaneously perceiving reality differently. The first section achieves this through dialogue and reflection, while the second section employs abstract imagery and symbolism. The concepts introduced—frequency, paradox, yellow, abstract, and pendulum—are not just random abstractions but reappear in the second section, embodied through visual imagery such as the circle, points, and their movements.
Symbolic Imagery and Philosophical Reflection
The idea of a pendulum and circular motion appears in both sections, serving as a key symbolic element. In the first section, the pendulum is part of a list of abstract concepts. In the second section, it is visualized through the movement of the points within the circle, symbolizing the cyclical nature of time and existence. This cyclical motion reflects the poet’s contemplation of life’s repetitive patterns and the endless quest for understanding.
Colors play a significant role in both parts of the writing. The first section discusses the narrator’s fondness for colors and their warmth, emphasizing the sensory and emotional connection to colors. The second section visualizes colors through the bleeding points, further exploring how colors can represent different emotional states and existential experiences.
Philosophical reflection is another critical element that ties the two sections together. The first section reflects on the limits of understanding and the presence of something mysterious within. This theme is expanded in the second section, which illustrates the finite nature of axioms and the infinite possibilities beyond them. This reinforces the idea that there is always more to discover and understand, aligning with the poet’s exploration of the unknown.
Dialogues and Their Role
Both sections feature dialogues that add depth to the abstract themes. The first section includes conversations about life, survival, and the purpose of art, combining everyday language with philosophical inquiries. The second section’s dialogue about favorite colors, including the specific mention of the hex value #000000 (black), underscores the poet’s introspective state and the complexity of personal perception.
The first section sets the stage by introducing the reader to abstract and philosophical ideas through a mix of languages and styles. It prepares the reader for the deeper, more symbolic exploration in the second section. The second section takes these abstract concepts and elaborates on them through a more symbolic and visual narrative.
Conclusion: A Cohesive and Thought-Provoking Narrative
In essence, the two sections are connected through their exploration of the abstract nature of existence, their use of symbolic imagery, and their philosophical reflections. The first section sets up the themes and ideas, while the second section visually and symbolically elaborates on them, creating a cohesive and thought-provoking narrative. The dialogues in both sections serve as a bridge, connecting personal experiences and abstract thoughts.
Ultimately, this writing portrays the poet’s state in reality. The poet, who begins in conversation with others, ends by contemplating the abstract question of his favorite color. This journey from shared human experience to introspective reflection encapsulates the essence of the poet’s existence, revealing the depth of thought and emotion that lies beneath the surface of everyday life.